21 May 2011

Cause for Inspiration

Welcome to the Phoenix Center blog! Here you'll find true, uplifting stories of hope, healing and transformation.

At the Phoenix Center, children learn how to navigate and express challenging emotions in safe, healthy ways.

Mara [name changed] has attended our therapeutic programs for three years. She has learned "tools" to use when she feels angry, anxious or sad, such as deep breathing, progressive relaxation, yoga, and expressive art/writing. In addition, Mara recently began individual therapy services at the Phoenix Center - all free of cost.

Providing Mara with tools to navigate and express challenging emotions is of the utmost importance to her, her family, and society as a whole. All members of society benefit if children can navigate challenging emotions without violence, drug use or other unsafe behaviors.

In her own words, Mara says "[Phoenix Center] helps me a lot. I look forward to coming here all week." Now, Mara expresses her thoughts and feelings using art therapy and sees herself as an artist. She can name her strengths, talents and abilities.

Mara is a resilient, inspiring survivor who has found hope and healing. We are honored to have seen her CREATE, GROW & SHINE.


  1. congratulations to mara! i can't wait until my sons are old enough to participate in activities at camp phoenix! keep up the wonderful work!

  2. Congrats on starting a blog. Another way for me to connect with your great work.
